August, 1944: Stanislaw Sasinowski "Zbik" on a barricade at Bracka street. Photo by : Marian Grabski "Wyrwa"
This card, one of a set of old photos from the time of the Warsaw Uprising (August-early October 1944) is colorized to show the uniform and one can also see a bit of red in the red and white armband which showed that he was in the A.K. or Home Army.
The soldier pictured was Stanislaw Sasinowski, code named "Zbik"(in English "Wildcat"). Born on December 12, 1910, he would have been 34 years old when this photo was taken. He was taken prisoner by the Germans after the uprising war and the Warsaw Rising Museum's
website did not have information on a date of death or what happened to him after the war.
The person who took this photo was Marian Grabski, code named"Wyrwa." According to his Uprising website biography, he was born on October 2, 1897 in Łódź, Poland and worked as a lawyer before the war. He would survive the war, leaving with the civilian population of Warsaw and died on January 9, 1965.
A collection of his photographs from the uprising is avaliable for view on the Warsaw Rising Museum's website